EDI Upgrades
Service for EDI Systems
Parlights provides service, support, repair, and hard-to-find parts for Electronics Diversified (EDI) Dimming & Control Systems.
To download EDI Manuals, click here.
EDI systems serviced by Parlights include:
- Dimmer Racks
- Mark VII Dimmer Rack
- MX Dimmer Rack
- Prolite Dimmer Panels
- MVP Dimmer Panels
- Versapak Dimmers
- Architectural Controls
- TSC/ TSC XLT Architectural Controls
- SMART System
- Designer Series Analog Controls
- Twilite 9 Architectural Controls
- Twilite 12 Architectural Controls
- Control Consoles
- Bijou Memory Console
- Lite Manual Console
- PLUS, Manual & Memory Console
Learn more about how the MX-3000 Dimmer Rack Retrofit Module can save you downtime and extend the life of your existing MX dimmer rack.