Maintenance Agreements
Preventative Maintenance Agreements
Why Maintain?
Like most heavy machinery and control systems, stage equipment requires regularly scheduled cleaning, adjustment, and maintenance to stay in top-notch condition. Poorly maintained lighting and rigging equipment is extremely dangerous and puts those within the vicinity at serious risk. A comprehensive maintenance and inspection program can address safety concerns while eliminating inconvenient “surprise” costs and problems.
Let Parlights recommend a customized maintenance solution!
Parlights offers Preventative Maintenance Agreements for your newly purchased or existing Theatre Systems. From annual inspections to fixture alignment, lamp replacement to complete system maintenance: Parlights offers a wide range of Customer Care Solutions designed to fit the budget and requirements of most facilities.
Step 1: Operational Survey
The first step towards picking the right Customer Care Solution is to understand the facility.
- Inspect and Survey: We perform a complete operational survey of the Theatrical Lighting or Rigging System installed in your space. It helps if documentation for any previously installed equipment is available for reference as we complete our study (we track proper documentation for every Parlights project).
- Report and Recommend: During the course of the survey, an inventory of all equipment is developed, noting the condition and functionality of each item inspected. A report is developed, and any deficiencies are noted along with recommendations for correction.
Step 2: Customer Interview
The next step is to report our findings and discuss your needs.
- Discuss and Evaluate: During the course of our communication, we will ask questions about the typical use (and users) of your facility to determine a solution satisfactory for you and your budget.
- Corrective Action: We may require that certain issues be corrected before we can enter into a Preventative Maintenance Agreement, and we will discuss these with you at this time.
Step 3: Scheduled Maintenance
At a minimum, Parlights recommends annual inspection and cleaning of Theatrical Lighting and Rigging Equipment.
- Routine Maintenance: These visits provide an opportunity for us to evaluate the yearly wear and tear on your system, as well as correct small problems before they develop into larger issues.
- Inventory Comparison: The inventory established during the initial operational survey is referenced and changes in condition are noted along with recommendations for preventative or corrective action.
- Flexible Scheduling: Maintenance visits may be scheduled on an annual, bi-annual or quarterly basis if necessary.
Additional Services
Parlights offers many varying options to our Preventative Maintenance Customers. Your Contract is developed based upon your stated requirements, our operational survey, and your personal preferences. Additional services available from Parlights through a Preventative Maintenance Agreement include:
- Reduced Service Rates
- Discounts on replacement and upgrade parts
- Annual fixed pricing schedules for expendables
- Guaranteed response times at Standard Rates
Training and Documentation:
- Operations and Maintenance Manuals
- User Training and Operational Safety Seminars
- “Rep” Lighting Plot Design
- Lamp Replacement Guides
- Equipment Maintenance and Replacement Schedule
- Generation of Facility and System Drawings
- Engineering Studies
- Lighting Fixture Cleaning and Bench Focus
- Scheduled Lamp Replacement
- Connector inspection and maintenance
- “Rep” Plot hang and focus
- On-Site DMX Backup unit
- Free loaner replacement console
- On hand copies of system configuration files