Lycian Superstar LED – Model 1280
The luminaire is a 600 watt LED followspot. The spot diameter shall be controlled by a top-mount lever
which opens and closes a nichrome steel iris. The unit shall include a top operated 3 plate sliding fader and a 6
color, self-cancelling color boomerang. A 600 watt LED with heat sink is housed in the rear of the head Optical
quality lenses complete the optical system. The Superstar 600 LED utilizes an electronic switching power
supply. The power supply is is integrated into the followspot head. A 12 foot power cord with NEMA 5-15 is
included. A 4 legged folding base is included. Units are cooled by quiet, low volume fans. The housing is
constructed of extruded aluminim and cold rolled steel and is powder coated in grey and black.
The Lycian Superstar 600 LED shall be specified. Fixtures are manufactured in the United States of America