MA3 Command Wing XT
An onPC wing with real console feeling – you think that is impossible? Take a look at the grandMA3 onPC command wing XT! Experience the grandMA3 onPC console solution with the pre-installed onPC software on the built-in MA motherboard. Just connect a touch screen monitor and you can control 4 096 parameters right on the spot!
So, if you are looking for an extremely versatile control solution for small and medium sized theaters or installations, the grandMA3 onPC command wing XT is the right choice for you. It is also a powerful programming tool for TV/streaming studios as well as houses of worship, and it can also serve as a console for pre-programming and backup scenarios.
Of course, it is built to the same highest quality standards in software and hardware that apply to the entire grandMA3 product line. That means you have a reliable solution when you are on the road, touring or controlling your festival stage. With the command area the grandMA3 onPC command wing XT provides you the closest possible look and feel of the larger grandMA3 consoles!
Do you need a few numbers? You have access to 40 physical playbacks, 16 assignable X-Keys and a dedicated master area. With the grandMA3 onPC command wing XT you directly control the maximum 4 096 parameters of the onPC solutions. Therefore, you have three DMX ports and two Ethernet Gigabit ports for DMX-over-Ethernet protocols.
But we are not finished yet! All inputs and outputs of a grandMA3 console are directly built-in. On the rear panel you will find MIDI, timecode, and DC remote ports to receive and send external signals and trigger actions in your show. Additionally, you can connect up to four monitors to create your individual workspace!
The device will be shipped with Windows IoT – so we can make sure it can get a proper factory reset image if needed.
Please do not forget: The grandMA3 onPC software offers the same feature set as the larger consoles – so there is no compromise on functionality. With the powerful MA Start Show you simply boot the grandMA3 onPC command wing XT and get creative right away!